Feel the Nirvana Experience

with Kristina Medja

Mission statement

Learn about a worldwide Nirvana Instructor Network, fast spreading community stretching well over 40 countries and recognized by all
main authorities in fitness & wellness.
Science behind

Nirvana focuses on the Body and Mind. With flow in movement, breathing and music you enter the state of Nirvana, the Flow state at the same time assuring proper oxygenation.
Become a Nirvana instructor

Start your own - super addictive endorphin driven group fitness class that will
leave your clients wanting more!
Become a NirvanaFitness® Instructor!

Certified NirvanaFitness Instructor

Kristina Medja

Yoga showed me the way and I took it

When I was a kid I suffered from asthma and chronic bronchitis. Doctors said that my allergies affected my respiratory system to a point where I will always struggle with breathing. Because I knew nothing about breathing I blindly accepted their diagnosis and thought that this is the way it should be for the rest of my life.

I stopped with any form of exercise because I thought I was incapable of doing it. I met yoga in my early twenties and that is when my life started to change. Not only that by the use of pranayama, my breathing problems vanished, but things started to change on other fields as well.

Pretty much it wasn't an easy experience, since yoga isn't so easy as it looked at the first sight. But i was determined to change my ways and it was definitely worth it!

Mind & Body Detox

Visit My Nirvana Classes

Every Thursday, 18.04.2024, 18.30 - 19.30

Zoom meeting https://www.obozujem-zivljenje.si/prijava-na-vadbo/, Slovenia

Every Friday, 19.04.2024, 08.30 - 09.30

zoom meeting https://www.obozujem-zivljenje.si/prijava-na-vadbo/, Slovenia

Every Tuesday, 23.04.2024, 18.30 - 19.30

zoom meeting www.obozujem-zivljenje.si, Slovenia

Every Wednesday, 24.04.2024, 08.30 - 09.30

Zoom meeting https://www.obozujem-zivljenje.si/prijava-na-vadbo/, Slovenia

Contact information

Kristina Medja