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Nirvana® Breathing fitness for more harmonious and collaborative working environment

07. 05. 2017 - By Nirvana Fitness

When we think about the value of fitness, so often we focus on the physiological benefits; lower blood pressure, reduced inflammation, a healthier heart and a more attractive physical appearance.

However, over the past years, psychologists and social scientists have been researching the effects that exercise can have on the mind, more specifically the way we think.

Many studies now indicate mental performance is inextricably linked to our physical training routines. Nowhere is this finding more relevant than in the workplace. 

Consider the following list of benefits that one can expect by following the Nirvana® Breathing fitness System:

  • Improved concentration

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Lower stress

  • Enhanced learning

  • Greater resilience

  • Sharper memory

All of these benefits clearly have massive implications on work performance. It’s also worth mentioning that NirvanaFitness® also improves mood among its practitioners, which equals to a more harmonious and collaborative working environment.

An investment in workplace fitness undoubtedly brings a very large return. Greater levels of mental clarity and performance equal greater levels of innovation and creativity, all of which are essential to give your business an edge in a highly competitive marketplace.

Furthermore, a relaxed and happy workforce is much less likely to fall ill and request a leave of absence to recover. Fewer sick days equates to more full days of productive work.

Research tells us that stress in the workplace is on the up and more and more people are suffering from stress related diseases and disorders. Indeed, almost 60% of losses to the economy are due to stress related conditions that could have been prevented through lifestyle adjustments.

Instead of viewing exercise as a personal indulgence or something that staff should be treated to every now and then, it’s time that we seriously start considering the benefits that regular exercise can offer our employees.

The alternative, which is an increasingly frustrated, slower thinking, less creative and more irritable workforce makes us less effective at our jobs and lowers overall productivity.

The unique holistic Nirvana® Breathing Fitness approach to corporate wellness not only allows organizations to increase the health and happiness of their workers but it also represents an investment that can reap massive returns over the long term.

By showing individuals how to take charge of their health, wellness and vitality, it empowers people and organizations to reach new heights of performance one breath at a time!

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