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We are in a period of shift. A shift from movement to the mind. A shift from the outside to the inside. It's now that we really get into the Nirvana essence. The essence of slowing down. This shift is inevitable and we all are feeling it. Nirvana's 7 intentions are at the center of the workout and a beautiful way to gently go through this period. The world is going through a change and NIRVANA® is already that "change"... It is all that the situation is demanding, put together in the most scientific way possible. A complete package !!!
18. 03. 2020 - Avtor Nirvana Fitness
Nirvana method is an excellent immune system booster, because oxygen and sufficient body oxygenation level are the most important particles in the immune system and regeneration puzzle.
Find here a list of 10 immune system boosters and virus prevention suggestions that can help you through these challenging times fighting coronavirus.
13. 03. 2020 - Avtor Nirvana Fitness
In these crazy times, especially with the new dangers the world is facing, we can choose to be upset, wonder why this is happening to us and plug into our fear mode or we can use this opportunity to rethink our situation and find a new flow, a new way of understanding that less is really more.