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Sheetal's Nirvana® classes with kids

11. 04. 2019 - By Nirvana Fitness
Sheetal is a Nirvana® instructor from Bangalore, India. She has been working with Nirvana® for over a year, and among other teaches Nirvana® to kids. 

Here is what she has to say about Nirvana: "I personally feel so much gratitude towards the creators of this program as well as the very supportive and loving HQ team. This program has transformed so many lives around the globe including mine. I feel that I always belonged to this Nirvana® world."

With such passion toward Nirvana®, she naturally felt she had to share this with kids as well. 

She started with classes for 7-8 years old kids, twice a week. These kids enjoy Nirvana® classes a lot, probably because as they are relieved from some kind of stress. They are feeling joy and ecstasy after the Nirvana® sessions. They are able to open up about their fears and stresses with more ease than adults.

Nirvana® classes with kids are less calm as children are full of energy and happiness and will not contain themselves the way adults can. But they still finish Nirvana® classes happier and more confident. Sheetal said she personally noticed that their concentration level was improving along the way.  

One student was affraid his body wouldn't be flexible enough for Nirvana®, but after a few classes, he felt and confessed he could actually be flexible.

Sheetal teaches the choreographies the way they were created, without modifications. She shows them the right postures and kids from 7 years old are able to reproduce the moves without major difficulties. As with adults, they improve and get better class after class.  
She is also teaching them the science behind deep breathing and surprisingly they are able to understand everything.

They follow full 60 minute classes, but Sheetal recommends to start sessions with 6 or 7 classes of only 30 minutes to slowly build their stamina.

As for feedbacks, they speak by themselves:

The mother of one kid said "her son chooses to skip his favorite cartoon program for the Nirvana® class". That kid felt better and less sad even after loosing a football match in school, and said "Nirvana® is the only good thing happening in his life."

On 24th of February, Sheetal held a Nirvana class for older kids (8-11 years old) who were preparing school exams to fight anxiety. While the younger kids felt relaxed and happy, the 11 years old were really calmed down and felt more confident for their school exams. They asked for more Nirvana® classes. Here is what the kids wrote at the end of the session:

"I felt relax and peaceful and now I feel confident about my exam."

"I felt joy and it was fun."

"I felt relaxed and happy doing Nirvana."

"I can't feel myself and I feel weird, and good."

"I feel relaxed completely because of Nirvana class and all the stress of work is gone."

But at the same time, Sheetal saw some parents being a little reluctant to send their kids continuously as they believe more physical activities burning more energy or tution classes are a better choice.

Sheetal says: "I feel more kids classes should be encouraged as the children too go through a lot of stress which goes unnoticed. Moreover, it’s good for their physical fitness."

Article written after the Sheetal's feedback.
Photos from Sheetal Bedi.

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