Achieve a super efficient Flow of the Body & Mind
Imagine a perfect combination of … breathing ... movement … & music flowing as one … your breathing is deep, calm & optimized, your cells are infused with extra levels of oxygen, your body is deeply immersed in powerful dynamic moves ... while beautiful music soudscapes sway you deep into the state of Flow.
Imagine you are completely dissolved in what you are doing, so much so it feels like time is slowing down. In this state there is no doubt, there are no stresses or fears, there is no inner voice criticizing. This state is not elusive, this is the state that you can actually experience … this is the state of Nirvana ... the state where everything just flows.
Achieve a super efficient flow of the body & mind with the world’s most comprehensive breathwork system that uses a powerful combination of breathing techniques, music with inbuilt thetawave technology & functional movements, elegantly woven into simple and effective Nirvana choreography programs.
World class experts on breathing, kinesiology & flow states & based on years of research, have developed a cutting edge Body & Mind system that includes a science based implementation of deep flow states & powerful breathing optimization system to efficiently balance your body & mind into the optimal state.
Nirvana represents the next step in the evolution of body & mind systems.
Enter the flow state
Flow is a state in which the person performing an activity is fully immersed, experiencing the feeling of energized focus, complete involvement and deep enjoyment.
The state of flow, or being "in the zone”, is the ultimate state, the
most desirable state you want to be in ... it is the foundation for deep
inner peace & sense of empowerment.
The state of Flow and how Nirvana® influences your brainwaves
While practicing Nirvana, our brainwaves are directed toward the Alpha-theta wave bridge, which creates conditions for entering the flow state. You need to deactivate first, empty the full glass to become more present & activated into the optimal state. And Nirvana does just that.

Nirvana is an effective antidote for overcrowded & unproductive thoughts that clutter every second of our existence, for removing self defeating inner critic dialogue and learning how to downregulate the fast paced reality we are all experiencing.
By entering the flow state, we experience what is called a transient hypofrontality.
Transient, meaning temporary, hypo is the opposite of hyper, meaning to slow down or to deactivate. And frontality is the prefrontal cortex. Meaning, we deactivate to fully activate.
These areas in the prefrontal cortex that are shut down, are the seats of cognitive processing, where we distinguish the difference between self and other, our sense of time, our internal dialogue.
Nirvana is an ultimate Body & Mind system that uses all possible channels and proven effective interventions to facilitate the state of flow with specific focus on breathing techniques and flow of movement.
Fight against racing thoughts
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed – like there isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything you want – then you know exactly what it feels like to exceed your mental bandwidth.Your focus is short, your decision-making abilities go out the window, and a list of unfinished projects begins to pile up.

The processing capacity of the conscious mind has been estimated (by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) at 120 bits per second. That bandwidth, or window, is the speed limit for the traffic of information we can pay conscious attention to at any given time.
We’ve created a world with 300 exabytes of human-made information. Today, each of us individually generates more information than ever before in human history. Our world is now awash in an unprecedented volume of data. Average human processes five times as much information as 30 years ago.
The trouble is, our brains haven’t evolved to be able to process it all. "Bandwidth,” or the capacity of the brain’s ability to perform basic functions that underlie both higher-order behavior and decision-making. When bandwidth is taxed, there’s less of it available for use in other judgements or decisions, leading to some potentially undesirable choices. It’s about how much can you take on before you start running out of steam.
Nirvana® & Release of the Flow state neurochemicalsNirvana® facilitates release of so called Flow state neurochemicals that produce direct effects of calmness & focus while also contributing to the "afterglow” effect, an experience of a long term, lasting fulfillment.
Nirvana effectively produces the experience of flow states through a unique blend of interventions with mind blowing array of health & mental benefits, increasing your focus & deep presence & giving you tools to perform better mentally & physically at all levels.
Experience the feeling of Nirvana by letting the flow of rhythmic breathing & movement to music with sound cues & thetawave technology lead you to the state of flow.
Get an extra cell oxygenation
Nirvana® Breathing optimization system aids in removing causes of almost all modern chronic diseases by optimizing O2/CO2 gas exchange & infusing your cells with extra levels of oxygen with one simple act: breathing right.
A team of scientists including
exercise, breathing & sound specialists have come up with a
super effective & elegant solution to tackle a vast number of
conditions all
linked to
insufficient cell oxygenation.Treating symptoms proves futile ... we must treat the root cause!

A revolutionary breathing fitness is pushing for the change of paradigm ... of what the most important health index is.
is not your % of your body fat, it is not your BMI, nor will your heart
rate monitor reveal what's really going on in your cells.
It’s all about optimal cell oxygenation.Nirvana
normalizes breathing and
creates conditions in your body for it to be able
to regenerate and heal itself.
By this it aids to
avert modern chronic conditions arising from
stress followed by
insufficient cell oxygenation.
Nirvana does not treat symptoms ... instead it solves the problem at its root.

Science tells us that well
over 80% of population is breathing wrong ... shallow and inefficient ... producing toxic waste products and further
promoting dysfunction on a cellular level.
Ultra fast paced & unhealthy modern lifestyle ... slowly & through time ...
deteriorates our breathing habits into
rapid shallow chest breathing.

This means we are overbreathing! ... instead of optimal
6 breaths we are pulling anywhere from
16 to 20 breaths per minute, while poor breathing technique further decreases overall breathing efficiency.
Overbreathing causes disbalance in oxygen/carbon dioxide gas exchange
... depriving your cells of the needed oxygen and precious energy ...
and this in effect makes your cells sick ... makes you sick.
Poor oxygenation is
connected to most modern chronic conditions (obesity, asthma and copd, diabetes, burn out, insomnia, obesity, cancer ...)
Studies show that we are breathing faster and less efficient each year!
The alarming statistics!!!
These are just a few alarming symptoms indicating that modern civilization has pushed us over the limits of our capacity ...
by imposing permanent and perpetuating anxiety & stress that results in high levels of a systemic toxicity and burnout.
of population is under permanent toxic stress which is one of the
leading causes for many modern chronic diseases. Here is the alarming
statistics that proves we have reached our limits!- Asthma 300 million, COPD (Chronic pulmonary disease) 600 million, Diabetes 420 million ...
- 17 million/year will die from cardiovascular diseases, 15 million/year will die from cancer
- 50 % of population is overeating ... as a result creating obesity pandemics
- 30% diagnosed with insomnia
- almost 1 million suicides per year
Hundreds of research papers have
linked stress to poor breathing habits, while all of these modern chronic conditions can be
traced back to one single common source of all problems ...
insufficient cell oxygenation or cell hypoxia. We can agree that
health of every cell is vital for our survival. Scientists are unanimous in agreement that
proper oxygenation is one of the
most crucial elements of the health of our cells. And healthy cells mean a
healthy body as well as a healthy mind.
Your health starts at the level of every cell in your body!And there is a simple way to achieve that:
just by breathing correctly!

How our lives are connected to cellular oxygenation ...The most important aspect of mental and physical health and well-being is the respiratory process. Oxygen is absolutely essential for all human function.
In fact, the primary homeostatic mechanism in the human body is designedaround necessitating appropriate cellular oxygenation.
The respiratory and cardiovascular systems provide and properly
distribute oxygen to the cellular mitochondria where it serves as the
terminal electron acceptor in the oxydative phosphorylation process and
the formation of cellular ATP.
All human performance, energy, and function is based on appropriate tissue oxygenation. Any disturbance of this supply can be life threatening.

The connection between oxygen and disease ...The world famous Dr. Arthur Guyton theorized that
all chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused from a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. Lack of cellular oxygen is termed hypoxia.
Hypoxia has been
implicated in central nervous system pathology in a
number of disorders including cancer, heart disease, stroke, and various other
neuro-degenerative diseases.
Among other diseases, regions of low oxygen tension are commonly found
in malignant tumors and are associated with increased frequency of tumor
invasion and metastasis.
Shallow chest breaths
penetrate only into the upper portion of the chest and lungs.
This reduces your bodies’ ability to effectively oxygenate. This is
appropriate in order to increase respiratory rate when you are under
truly stressful situations, like being chased by a lion or sprinting on a
track. However,
when it continues for an extended period of time it sets up the
pathological processes.
Breathing determines your lifespan ...
long-term study found that
lung function predicts
mortality rates. Dr. Schunemann explains, "
The lung is a
primary defense organ against environmental toxins. An
impaired pulmonary function leads to
decreased tolerance against these toxins.

Dr. Wendell Hendricks, (Two-time Nobel Laureate, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Cancer Research, Hendricks Research Foundation) said, "
Cancer is a condition within the body where
the oxidation has become
so depleted that the body
cells have
degenerated beyond physiological control.
Similarly, the true
cause of allergies is lowered oxidation process within the cells, causing the affected individual to become sensitive to foreign substances entering the body.
Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original high state of efficiency
can the sensitivity be eliminated.”
Several studies have shown that heart disease, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain patients have an intimate relationship with persistent shallow, chest breathing behaviors. Many researchers have suggested posture and breathing habits to be the most important factor in health and energy promotion.
Dr. Guy Hendricks says, "
Healthy breathing should be the first thing taught to a heart patient.
A Dutch Study conducted by a Dr. Dixhoorn, compared two groups of heart
attack patients. The first group was taught simple diaphragmatic
breathing, while the second group was given no training in breathing.
The breathing group had no further heart attacks, while 7 of the 12 members of the second group had second heart attacks over the next 2 years.”
Proper breathing in addition pumps cerebro-spinal fluid (the fluid around the spinal cord), which results in an increase in brain metabolism and the
resulting feelings of physical and mental well-being and enhanced mental alertness.
The body responds to this stimulus by relaxing,
understanding that it is not in a life-threatening situation (obviously
if you are breathing long, slow, deep breaths you are not being chased
by a lion).
The parasympathetic nervous system is activated, calming stress hormones, decreasing heart rate and blood pressure.
Effectively release stress & Remove burnout symptoms
a blissful calm through conscious mindful breathing & Nirvana
ThetaWave sound technology. Breathing is the only bodily rhythm that we
are able consciously control and is a proven gateway into calmer state
of body & mind.
Nirvana sequences
are built around progressively slowing down breathing patterns. System
uses deep "Feel good” chillout music with Nirvana ThetaWave technology
& breathing sound cues telling you exactly how to breathe at which
point in an exercise flow, which directly influences your relax centers.
Emotional states directly influence how we breatheAnger, fear, anxiety - shallow in and out breaths;
Grief - spasmodic breathing;
Guilt - restricted breathing;
Boredom - shallow, lifeless breathing;
Sadness/depression - Under breathing (breath hold)
Permanent chronic stress and
negative emotions deteriorate our
breathing habits into rapid shallow chest breathing. This in effect produces
additional toxic waste products, promoting a wide range of
pulmonary & other diseases in our bodies and
depression for our mind, contributing to an ever more widely present "burnout syndrome”.
powerful breathing techniques, Nirvana uses a wide range of other
proven tools to efficiently cut you away from vicious cycle of stress,
taking you from fight or flight mode and sway you into healthy
regenerative mode. And on top of all Nirvana gives you a great
functional whole body workout and ability to effectively control weight.