Over 80 % of people are breathing wrong and are under stress. This is one of the leading causes for many modern health problems, since sufficient oxygenation is vital for our survival.
We want to inspire you ... to join us on a mission to raise the awareness and the importance of healthy & conscious breathing and the profound influence it can have on our lives.
With this ... we are are making an important step forward in creating a more healthy & mindful world.
We all breathe the same air ... so let’s breathe together and be tuki.
Nirvana Instructor Network for Worldwide Breathing Awareness

Nirvana Instructor Network Breathing awareness pledge
„We believe a billionaire is someone who positively affects the life of a billion people.
We are proud to take an important part in the breathing awareness movement and we want to send this simple
message to a billion people out there: … just breathe!
Our mission is to inspire everyone around us to just consciously breathe … since once you are able to appreciate every single breath, you are also able to appreciate every single moment of your life and the life of others.
We are here to elevate the fascination and appreciation of life through breath.
When enough people experience the value of a single breath … then we, together, would overcome our limits and
nothing would be impossible.
All we want is to just breathe!
Peace starts with us ... us first, … then you, so we can finally breathe together.
This is our goal, this is our responsibility, this is our chance to make a difference.
We all breathe the same air, so let’s breathe together and be tuki."