Nirvana® workouts in combination with action plan prescribed by physician, gives you a powerful weapon against asthma & COPD. Ability to control breathing, empowers you to feel more confident & secure.
is a perfect respiratory training system that has an amazing benefits
for anyone with respiratory problems. It is estimated that around 20 %
of overall population fits in this group (asthma 6 %, COPD 14 %).

4/5 asthmatics severely limit their physical activities, because of the fear of exercise induced asthma attack. Nirvana®
is limiting this possibility by
efficiently employing relax centers and calming the body & mind.
Slow down breathing at will and through daily training quickly recall calm, slow & deep breathing when asthma attacks happens. A potentially life saving ability in case of an asthma attack without relieve medication at hand.
excessive use of potentially harmful medication by significantly
reducing number of asthma attacks by breathing deeper and slower.
Nirvana® uses Pursed Lip Breathing technique with prolonged exhalation in order to deepen breathing, to boost oxygenation of every cell in your body. An approved technique by the medical community for treating asthma & COPD condition!
#Insomnia / Sleep deprivation
Deep refreshing sleep happens only if we are in so called rest &
digest mode. Breathing is our gateway to manipulate body into
calmer state of mind through slow & deep breathing. Lower breathing
frequency will trigger a deep relaxing state ... you will sleep like a