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Spreading breathing awareness to schools

05. 09. 2017 - By Nirvana Fitness
Breathing in School
The school years can be a stressful time for any young person. Between, friends, exams, homework and sports it’s easy to see how a student might struggle to cope. With the pressure mounting on students nowadays to perform to the highest levels, the need for space and time to breathe has never been so critical.

The breath has the power to transform. Focus on the breath has the power to transform anxiety into calmness, to transform distraction into concentration and to transform a life of dullness into a life of love, gratitude and contentment. 

Evelyn Yee is a cherished Nirvana® Instructor who is paving the way forward by bringing much needed "tuki" to students. She is transforming the educational environment through leading students in the ways of Nirvana® Breathing Fitness.

Breathing in Schools
Evelyn realized that there is an important link between breathing and its relevance in a learning environment. Students who breathe incorrectly end up being more stressed, which leads to lower levels of concentration, reduced focus and poor academic results.

After a short class led by Evelyn, students report feeling a deep sense of relaxation, peace and kindness – as their unbalanced CO2 levels are normalized, the tension in their bodies drops, adrenaline and cortisol stop being pumped out into their bloodstream and they reach a state of Tuki.

In this state, students are ready to absorb far more information in the classroom and they can collaborate successfully with other students without conflict – they are truly alive and connected living a nirvana lifestyle.

Improve School Results
Through the skill and expert guidance of Evelyn, students can learn to excel mentally and physically in school. Her holistic approach to wellness is not just another exercise program; it teaches elements of mindfulness, yoga and breath-work and combines them with the latest evidence based science. 

To facilitate better learning, classrooms do not need is not more advanced technology, innovative teaching methods or extensive restructuring. What is really required is a moment to breathe, a moment of peace, and a moment balance that is easily achieved through Breathing fitness.
By gently guiding students to a step back away from the everyday stresses and strains of school life, and get in touch with the deepest and wisest parts of themselves, Evelyn Yee is giving students much more than better school performance. She is giving them something truly priceless; the gift of Tuki.

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