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18. 10. 2021 - Avtor Nirvana Fitness
NirvanaFitness is different than other fitness workouts. In one hour, it brings the participants of the training into a cozy circle and attracts attention and distracts them from everyday worries. 
Jolanta, our Ambassador from Lithuania always makes sure that she is bringing even more to her participants, creating a beautiful centerpiece for every session and linking this to a powerful intention and life message. We invite you to read more about how her NirvanaFitness workouts become inspiring moments for the participants!
Mihaela was certified the first Nirvana instructor in Luxembourg. Today, she cannot live one day without practicing Nirvana and she is healthy and happy. But it was not always the case. A few years ago, she experienced many health issues and was left helpless after trying many things. Only Nirvana was able to help her! Read more about the incredible and inspiring story of Mihaela. It surely teaches us to be grateful!
Our NIN from Argentina, Marcela Travaini is sharing with us her experience with Nirvana, going through the language barrier, finding her true purpose and fully integrating Nirvana as a way of life! Read her whole story ...