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On 22 February, Nirvana celebrated its sixth anniversary. This year being a bit special, we all gathered from around the world for a very joyful zoom celebration. 
Katja, Nirvana's co-creator gave us a very inspired speech. We share with you here ...
21. 09. 2020 - Avtor Nirvana Fitness
In times filled with uncertainty, when we can often lose our flow and submit to fear, it is crucial we have different triggers at our disposal, aligning us back to ourselves, to flow, to feeling at peace. Our dear Anja, from HQ, is sharing her memories from Nirvana Summit in February in India, remembering the beautiful moments and the feeling of unity that took place ... 
18. 05. 2020 - Avtor Nirvana Fitness
In October, our instructors Jenny Kee and Jenny Loo, also Nirvana® Ambassadors and Mentors, led a charity Nirvana® class at the wellness sanctuary event in Singapore.

We are hereby sharing Jenny Kee's testimonial about this event ...