21 September is the International Day of Peace, inspiring me to think about this yet again and sharing my thoughts.
For many people peace is an abstract category, something that in some parts of the world we take absolutely for granted so we don’t pay much attention to it - we do hear cliche lines like we should be fighting for peace, or when we are murmuring the lyrics of some cool song but the notion of peace quickly vanishes within all the information overload we are constantly facing.
On the other hand, it seems almost unimaginable that for some people, even in this day and age, peace is actually a dream so what for some is a cliche for others can be brutal reality.
In some aspects as humankind, we are so detached, living such different realities and it is unbelievable that with so much knowledge, such depths of human behaviour we can tap into, this is even a discussion, that unity is so far away.
At some points it looks like we are making progress but still there is so much to be done.

"I feel peace" is the 7th and final intention within a Nirvana session, so throughout the workout we are diving deeper into our inner peace.
Peace starts within ourselves and it is the responsibility, firstly to ourselves and then to the world to do everything in our power to find it, live it, exercise it.
By slowing down the breathing, so consistently and intuitively as achieved in Nirvana, connected with the flow of the movement, we get closer to the flow of our mind, we find our calm, we lose the sense of fear which so many times boosts aggression and peace becomes a part of us.
Being in the flow brings out the transpersonal mindset and takes us closer to Unity, this beautiful feeling of all of us being connected, flowing together as one.
So practice Nirvana and truly fight for peace - if we all do this, nothing can stand in the way of a world full of harmony.
Written by Neza Karba, CEO