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Magdalena Prieditis & Meera Nair - "I feel joy" conversation

31. 03. 2022 - By Nirvana Fitness
Our Nirvana Education Expert Meera Nair interviewed 7 wonderful persons from the NirvanaFitness family for her series "7 healing intentions of NirvanaFitness".

The sixth conversation was with Magdalena Prieditis, from Poland, about "I feel joy", the sixth NirvanaFitness intention.

Meera decided to have this conversation with Magdalena, because she is a person that resonnates joy.

Meera (Singapore) and Magdalena (Poland) met in Slovenia at NirvanaFitness Summit in 2018. They directly bonded and felt this deep connection.

Magdalena is a Nirvana Education Specialist with more 27 years in the fitness industry. She has a master's degree in physical education. She is fond of african dance and recently started using tibetan sound bowls with her clients.

Let's dive into this joyful conversation:

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things are.
To feel joy, it is important to pay attention to how to respond to life.

For Magdalena, to be able to feel joy, you have to accept everything, even the most difficult experiences.
When you truly love the world, and the people that surround you, joy comes easily.

For her, the feeling of independance, freedom and creativity are what bring joy to her life.
She loves a simple life. She enjoys every moment of her life. She lives her life fully.

She gives us her recipe for joy:
1. You need to know who your are, know your needs, your passions, your life mission. Be close to your heart.
2. Be realistic, authentic. Always be at peace with yourself.

Joy is not coming from outside. You have to find joy in yourself.

Magdalena is talking about one of her deepest passion. And everything in her shows joy when she describes it. Watch the video to know what she talks about!

Magdalena has 2 daughters and of course she is raising them to be happy and joyful humans.
She explains she loves her family so much and she is always to delighted to be with her daughters. She admires them. She is very close to them and they can talk about everything.

Being close to her family and sharing moments together is what creates joy.

Her advice so you feel joy on a daily basis :
- Appreciate everything in your life. "The little things are the big things".
- Be close to nature, to the forest, breathe some fresh air. Go outside of the city if you can, listen to birds singing.
- And don't worry about anything.

Meera also shared that being of service, doing charity work is a great time to feel joy. Give your time for people who need assistance.

"Let the joy come from within and radiate out."

Watch the video of her interview:

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