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Roki Rozman & Meera Nair - "I feel peace" conversation

08. 08. 2022 - By Nirvana Fitness
Our Nirvana Education Expert Meera Nair interviewed 7 wonderful persons from the NirvanaFitness family for her series "7 healing intentions of NirvanaFitness".

The seventh conversation was with Roki Rozman, from Slovenia, about "I feel peace", the seventh NirvanaFitness intention.

Meera met Roki at the Nirvana Global Summit in India in February 2020, and she couldn't think of a better person to have this conversation about peace.

Roki is a Nirvana Instructor, FlowCode Coach but he is also a judo trainer, working exclusively with kids.

In their conversation, Roki gave a lot of great advice on how he reaches peace.

Roki says peace is one of the hardest thing to achieve. He believes it's inside us all, hidden behind layers like an onion. To reach peace, you have to peel the onion till the core. This is where you can find inner peace.

For Roki, peace is a step by step process. You need to keep working on it, and you cannot expect to reach peace in a second without practicing. Both Roki and Meera agree on the fact it requires consistency. With regular exercises, you can achieve everything.

Today, most things are taken for granted. We want to get everything without effort or suffering. Our body and mind are more complicated than that and take time. But it is achievable with exercise. It takes time to create peace within yourself.

As Lao Tzu said "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

Roki is talking about how he implements peace in his life or work. Watch the video to know what his secret is.

Roki practices Nirvana for 20 minutes everyday and then meditates when his body is well oxygenated. Nirvana was for him one of the top things to reach peace and be able to properly meditate.

He believes in a world of chaos, you have to find peace in yourself.
The technique he implements ? Just count down from 100 to 0 for adults. And for kids, start with 10 or 20 depending on their age and abilities.

"When the Flower Blooms, the Bees Come Uninvited.” – Ramakrishna.

Watch the video of his interview:

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