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Memories from Nirvana Summit in India - by Anja

21. 09. 2020 - By Nirvana Fitness
In times filled with uncertainty when we can often lose our flow and we submit to fear, it is crucial we have different triggers at our disposal, aligning us back to ourselves, to flow, to feeling at peace.
Remembering beautiful encounters, being surrounded by people with whom you feel synergy, love and joy is definitely one of such triggers. Feeling gratitude for this is definitely another.
We were remembering the beautiful moments from this year's Summit, the feeling of unity that took place and we wished to share this with all of you.

The below text was written by Anja (❤) from our HQ that participated at this amazing event, showing how much this means to us and how it inspires us to keep going.
We hope it gives you additional motivation to continue with our mission of breathing and flowing together, now more important than ever!

HQ team


Nirvana Summit... Where better to meet than in India... a country that is so cultural, diversified, powerful in its own way, but yet stunningly beautiful. And there we were. Coming from all around the world, joining for a gathered mission. To be honest, at that moment, I couldn't be more blessed. Being in this place with people that share the same passion, joining efforts in only one mission - to make the world breathe again.

To help people, to show them that life is not that hard, that you have all your power in yourself, you just have to stop and take a breath. Meeting amazing people, sharing stories and having a chance to hear their personal experiences and changes because of NirvanaFitness... was just overwhelming.

I was overwhelmed with joy, gratefulness, compassion and love that as human beings we have all of these naturally in ourselves. That is also the main reason, I would say, that connected us so deeply. Being there with our open hearts, listening to each other, learning and grasping all the knowledge, but at the same time being in peace, because you know you are in the right place. That this is your calling, that we are stronger together and having faith that in the end everything will be alright. We get this, we have each other and we have Nirvana which brings us each time back to the present moment, back to ourselves.



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