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Nirvana® event at Decathlon Whitefield, Bangalore

20. 03. 2019 - By Nirvana Fitness
On 9th of February, part of our India team conducted a Nirvana® event at Decathlon Whitefield in Bangalore. An amazing occasion for our team to present Nirvana® to a larger audience.

Our Ambassador Preethi M. started the project and found like minded partners in the Nirvana family in NIN Smiti Sarangi and Ambassador Harshit Ashar, the last one flying to Bangalore from Ahmedabad especially for the Decathlon event.

Check this video from the event ...

Even though the event was meant to be outdoor, plans had to be reconsidered due to pouring rain. 

The event was sponsored on different levels:
  • Decathlon provided the venue (thank you to Mr. Jesu for the opportunity), and is willing to host future Nirvana workshops.
  • Mrs. Puurvi from La Brawn, fitness and dance club was very active to support the event.
  • Sugar Free Pastries & Wheat based Cakes were provided by a Fitness enthusiast.
  • Mr. Paaras Makkar, as a professional photographer, made amazing photos and videos of the event.
  • Madhura Puranik, Nirvana® student and journalist helped advertise in various newspapers (The HINDU (4th feb, 8th Feb) , ECONOMIC TIMES (8th Feb) , DECCAN HERALD (8th Feb), Bangalore Mirror (7th Feb), Website (7th feb), EXPLOCITY Bangalore Publication (Feb 5th), INDIAN Express (6th feb).

Last but not the least, the team had great support from NEX Meera Nair & most of the Bangalore NINs (Nirvana instructors), as well as State Ambassador Jyothika Dwarakanth who were present at the Venue to Encourage & support the Participants.

We are also grateful to NES Royston David D'sa who not only encouraged the team but also spread the word to his clients all over Bangalore to participate in the event.

Some of the news about the Nirvana® event ...

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