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Using Nirvana professionally

01. 06. 2022 - By Nirvana Fitness
The Nirvana Body and Mind system is not called a system just to say so but because it encompasses so many aspects and addresses so many different possible users. Practically anyone would benefit from using Nirvana techniques daily but in this article we wish to look at professional use and how to create a business with it.

It can be used by really different types of professionals from those working in fitness, wellness, mindfulness, well-being, mental health to those teaching in schools, senior institutions, even medical doctors are among our Instructors.

Nirvana® was born out of growing awareness about the importance of breathing and its ultimate influence on our lives. Our mission is to bring this awareness into reality.When enough people experience the value of a single breath … then we, together, would overcome our limits and nothing would be impossible.


  • So you can attract more clients with a completely new body&mind concept that helps your client cope better with stress, anxiety, burn out, depression and helps prevent modern diseases at the same time achieving a toned, stretched, healthier body
  • So you can become a trendsetter and expand your clientele: unite fitness with flow states philosophy, help your clients reach the ultimate state: the state of Nirvana
  • So you can have a complete business solution from classes, Workshop presentations to marketing and branding
  • So you can ease your work as we bring you everything: music, choreographies and choreo notes - you can be ready in a matter of weeks
  • So you can help us spread the breathing awareness mission and all its amazing benefits with the world - such a contribution will add passion and meaning to your work


Primarily Nirvana would be thought as a workout class but as it is such a holistic solution that offers as many psychological effects as it does physical, we advise teaching it also in a format of coaching, as a Workshop, Webinar etc. which is why also many Instructors come from the field of coaching, performance, corporate wellness.

Best we don’t overwhelm you with information, see what our Instructors and Ambassadors have to say about Nirvana, how they teach, the Instructor courses etc.

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