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Women's day 2018 in Kota Kinabalu

06. 03. 2019 - By Nirvana Fitness

Our NEX Meera Nair, together with our Malaysia team presented a 90 minute Nirvana® Master Class to a group or nearly 70 women at Hyatt Regency’s Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, on the occasion of international Women’s day 2018.

The event was organized by
 Team B in collaboration with Hyatt’s Regency to support women advancement and empowerment, and funds were collected in order to help women improve their lives. All the donations obtained through Nirvana® were then donated by Hyatt Regency’s Hotel to Non-Government Organisations helping women’s cause.

The event on that night is one of the efforts of Team B together with Hyatt's Regency to promote the benefits of exercising for women as well as men.

Hyatt Regency’s Assistant Public Relations Officer, Ervina Masduki 
pointed out this event was the 3rd Nirvana® event co-organized by Hyatt’s Regency.

Meera insisted on the outmost importance of maintaining a balance between strength, physicality, spirituality, mindfulness and emotional aspects for one’s well being.

"These 4 aspects are crucial for a good life and I am convinced that in order to achieve our goals, we have to be healthy inside and out, for us to do our best in all matters of life she said.

Thank you to 
Diana Abdullah, Noor Ali, Sally Lee, our NES Yoshie Ito, our NEX Meera Nair and Ervina Masduki from Hyatt for organizing this event.

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