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Oxygen detoxification against looming burnout syndrome

29. 08. 2015 - By Nirvana Fitness

Burnout syndrome epidemic

Stress ... response ... stress ... response, a vicious cycle which through time results in a stressful and shallow "default” breathing pattern, producing 12 - 18 breaths a minute! Science tells us we need only 6 proper deep breaths in a minute to supply our needs.

All the extra activity is producing toxic waste products and promoting a wide range of pulmonary & other diseases in our bodies and depression for our mind, contributing to an ever more widely present "burnout syndrome”.

Breathing fitness to music solution
NirvanaFitness™ is a system that will teach you how to breathe correctly through a series of functional toning pilates/yoga exercises, leading you to a slower and deeper daily breathing pattern (diaphragmatic with prolonged exhalation) that will replace shallow "default” breathing. 

NirvanaFitness™ progressively lowers breathing rhythm from start to finish going from 12 breaths/min to a mere 4 breaths/min in the last Nirvana workout section. This increasingly employs the relax centers in your nervous system and efficiently slows and calms down all the body systems, creating potential for regeneration through decreasing metabolic rate at all levels.

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