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Wellness sanctuary charity event

18. 05. 2020 - By Nirvana Fitness
In October, our instructors Jenny Kee and Jenny Loo, also Nirvana® Ambassadors and Mentors, led a charity Nirvana® class at the wellness sanctuary event in Singapore.

We are hereby sharing Jenny Kee's testimonial about this event ... 


I would like to share on one amazing charity event, 'Wellness Sanctuary' that was held on the 12 October 2019, at Scape Singapore.

This event was organised by a beautiful lady with a kind soul, Beatrice Caisson and Tahiti Dance Fitness, in order to raise funds for the Singapore Red Cross Society.

300 guests came together to contribute and support this 4 hour 'Wellness Sanctuary' event, alongside with 26 Local Vendors, 60 Performers, Instructors & Speakers.

We felt so proud and honoured that NirvanaFitness® was being featured in this meaningful event as well.

We were also fortunate to have known many new friends during the event too.

We are greatly looking forward to collaborate and contribute within our means for charity and giving back to the society in the near future.

We thank you once again, Beatrice and Tahiti Dance Fitness.

Article written by Nirvana instructor, ambassador and mentor Jenny Kee from Singapore.

Connect with Jenny Kee
Connect with Jenny Loo

Photo courtesy : Tahiti Dance Fitness

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