This is her story as a FlowCode coach and a NirvanaFitness instructor...
"My journey into the formal FLOW program took some time for me to embark on. Being completely engrossed with Nirvana, organizing the Nirvana summit in India in challenging situations, had impacted my journey in the realm of FLOW.
Mid March 2020, I came down with chicken pox and had to be on rest for over a month. It was a tough time and I decided that I would come out of this stronger and as a better person.
It was during this time I delved into the FlowCode lessons. While exploring FLOW, I realized it has been a part of me and my life all along. I did not have a specific word earlier to describe the feeling of Flow.
The learning came very naturally and inspired me to bring this to all my clients and friends as soon as possible.
The smell of the first rains as they fall on the earth is a Flow trigger and I remember myself as a child runout to play and take deep breaths to just take in the smell of the wet earth. The cool water drops on my face is a feeling that I relive every time it rains. The space where I am one with myself and in a space of complete bliss. An experience many have had and still do.
I recall the time when I was running my first 10K. Just about a kilometer before the finish, I entered a state where nothing else existed, it was just running, it felt like my legs were moving on their own, I only had one clear goal of reaching the finish line. I did not care how fast or slow. Before I realized, I heard the drums and cheers at the finish line. It was a moment of high where I was deep in the state of FLOW.
When I checked my timing I had finished the 10k in 56min and 58secs. I had never expected nor had strived for such a time. I always wondered where this energy came from and when I studied FLOW I realized that the state I had achieved was a state of optimum performance.
As I got back to taking Nirvana classes online, I brought in the concept of flow explicitly. Many flow triggers are a component of Nirvana and now this knowledge helped me deliver better quality of sessions to my clients. A few ways I incorporated and emphasized the flow state was while movement cueing, during relaxation, using Flow visualizations for relaxation, using the aroma oil as an olfactory flow trigger etc. These enhanced the Nirvana experience of my clients. In spite of all the sessions being done online (due to Covid-19 restrictions), my clients were able to experience the FLOW state.

To address a larger audience I conducted two webinars, one to introduce "Nirvana breathing technique and its effects" and the second one as an "Introduction to FLOW". I had just finished reading the book by Steven Kotler "Rise of Superman” which explores the concept of flow primarily in the realm of sports and fitness. The FlowCode lessons and additional reading and research enabled me to address a variety of audience to explain what FLOW means and tie it to a variety of experiences people may have had.
These helped clients understand and experience Flow and Nirvana Breathing. Delivering these concepts online took some amount of background work.
If you plan to conduct a webinar on Flow or Nirvana online, follow a few simple rules
1. Know your subject matter thoroughly
2. Know your audience so you can suggest appropriate examples for them to relate to.
3. Identify the key 3-4 points you want participants to take away from your webinar
4. Stay within the limits of the 3-4 points only. People cannot concentrate for more than an hour especially online so be precise and use simple language.
5.Always have an interactive session with Q & A – maybe 15-20 mins. Be aware of technical glitches that may happen. Do not fidget with technical issues when live. If sharing screen please keep all screens/videos to be shared open so all you will have to do is click and play. Else it takes time and you will lose the Flow in the session.
Most of all be at ease and do a flow trigger or Nirvana breathing ritual for yourself to gather your thoughts with a clear goal and get into a flow state, before you start the session.

A few other things I follow during my online sessions...
1. Don’t talk about the external world
2. Focus on the purpose of the Nirvana or flow session.
3. Strive to bring everyone to a "calm state amid the chaos"
4. Use your voice and body language efficiently to transcend the experience of Flow and Nirvana state of mind."
Jyothika Dwarakanath
NirvanaFitness Instructor and NES, FlowCode coach
Here are the testimonials of two of Jyothika's students:
"My heartfelt gratitude to Jo for introducing me to NirvanaFitness. I am thoroughly enjoying these sessions. The dual benefit on both mind and body has inspired me and kept me rooted. The scientific perspective Jo adds makes it very interesting and is a value added. The concept of breathing right with movements, music and intentions is so powerful. In a short span of four months I have begun to experience the benefits of NirvanaFitness.
The sessions Jo conducts in the morning are a great start to the day and very refreshing. I feel light and energetic through the day. With my mind being calmer, I am able to focus better on my work. My body flexibility and endurance has improved allowing me to do a lot more physical work in the garden without fear of aches and pains. Jo introduces new choreography at regular intervals, ensuring a right balance on complexity of movements. The warmth and cheer Jo radiates makes the sessions lively and the personal touch makes it effective. She is constantly motivating us to give our best while ensuring we do it the right way. This has become a part of my daily routine and yes "Every Breath Matters". Thanks Jo for conducting these sessions and helping us build a healthy mind and a healthy body. "Dhanlakshmi"Jyothika, thanks for conducting the online Flow sessions. In June, when I first attended your session on PLB (a.k.a. pursed lips breathing), I felt so energectic after the session. That encouraged me to take this up seriously.
I downloaded the Cloud7 app and have been practicing (Slow breath exercises) from Beginner's level. I started with 4-4-4 breathing for 10 mins and then moved to 4-4-8. Every day after 15 minutes of PLB, I feel completely recharged. The random chattering in my mind calms down, and I physically feel better.
I have been doing like this for a month and wanted to share my experience!
My late evening headaches disappered, my sinuses started to clear up, all niggling pain and aches started to disappear. This gave me the confidence and hope that I can be a better me.
This is the first time, after many years, that I was able to maintain a discipline of practicing PLB for 15 mins every day. I make sure to attend all your sessions to learn more about this technique and the movements.
I will continue to practice Inhale /Exhale and the aim is to experience Flow at all points of time.
Thank you for introducing me to this concept and technique."RituConnect with Jyothika
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