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Our NIN from Argentina, Marcela Travaini is sharing with us her experience with Nirvana, going through the language barrier, finding her true purpose and fully integrating Nirvana as a way of life! Read her whole story ...

"When I heard of Nirvana in the summer of 2019, I liked the movements and the music, I knew about the strength of mental positive intentions, but what decided me into becoming a Nirvana instructor was the breathing techniques, and more specifically the breathing out on 4, 8 and 12 counts, and the practice of empty lung apnea." Nathalie Bergeron-Duval explains to us the science behind Nirvana breathing techniques and why it is SOOOO good for us to practice as much as possible!

Jyothika has been a Nirvana instructor for a while now. She then became our ambassador and Education Specialist in India, where she also took care of NirvanaFitness summit organisation. After we launched FlowCode, it was only natural for her to become a Flow coach, as this program is a beautiful extension of NirvanaFitness. She is sharing with us her experience of the Flow state, what FlowCode brought to her and her sessions, along with many advice when it comes to successfully presenting NirvanaFitness or FlowCode webinars. Truly useful information to dive into...