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21. 09. 2020 - Avtor Nirvana Fitness
In times filled with uncertainty, when we can often lose our flow and submit to fear, it is crucial we have different triggers at our disposal, aligning us back to ourselves, to flow, to feeling at peace. Our dear Anja, from HQ, is sharing her memories from Nirvana Summit in February in India, remembering the beautiful moments and the feeling of unity that took place ... 
For many people peace is an abstract category, something that in some parts of the world we take absolutely for granted so we don’t pay much attention to it. I feel peace is the 7th and final intention within a Nirvana session. Read more to find out why peace is such an important concept, why we need to be working on it on a daily basis, and how find your flow is the key to it.
Lovely testimonials from NIN Helena’s third age clients expressing their experience with Nirvana.

Thank you ladies, we are grateful for these words and so happy that Nirvana can contribute in such a positive way. And thank you Helena for such beautiful work, inspiring your clients and consequently all of us to keep going.